Zikun Wang 王紫坤


Big shoutout to my wonderful teammates: Hou Chi Chan, William Zeng and Qizong Liang! Link to their corresponding Github account:

Design and the Website

Our design shown in Figma

Demo video shown in Youtube

This is our website InfoShare


There are free education offered in the United States from k - 12, but not everyone can afford college due to various reasons. Some students might be forced to attend community college where the education and resources is not as good as regular Universities; some students might be restrained by the social class he is in therefore he performed his potential to the maximum.


Our website is open to anyone who is curious to learn. Everyone should be able to learn something new when they come into our website and explore new possbility on different fields. The goal of our website is to resolve the education gap that exist in the United States by allowing everyone to access our website that will contain many useful information on different fields.


Our website will first ask the user to sign up for an account that will be used to identify themselves in the webiste. After sign in, the user will be taken to the home page where there will be recommendations offered by the system. The user can then pick where he want to go next. The user can either choose to go to the his personal profile page or the user can select the topic that interst him the most and start reading.